If you have upcoming travel to Martha's Vineyard and/or Nantucket, your coach will reach out to you before the travel dates to share the details for travel and request the required information from you, including head counts for ticketing. Please note that Martha's Vineyard travel, all tickets (players, coaches, and spectators) will be coordinated through a single person (e.g. coach, team parent, etc.). For Nantucket travel, a single person will handle the travel for the players and coaches while any spectator tickets will need to be purchased by family traveling out. For both islands, player and coach travel costs are covered. Spectators are responsible for the cost of their ticket.
If you have upcoming travel and would like my assistance to coordinate the ferry with the island travel coordinators, please email me at I will provide this information along with a sample email that you can send to parents to inform them of what you need and the travel details. Below are some general guidelines to get you started:
* We need a headcount of players and coaches prior to booking travel. The Nantucket travel coordinator will book the tickets on their end and you will pick them up at the ferry terminal counter on the day of travel.
* Spectators will be responsible for booking their travel. They will get a discounted rate and just need to tell the booking agent over the phone that they are with the Newport Whalers.
* I will find the best ferry times based on your game times as possible. If there is a question of which ferry to take, I will discuss with you and/or the Nantucket travel coordinator to make sure we get the right one.
Martha's Vineyard
* The Martha's Vineyard travel coordinator can set up the travel vouchers without a headcount. However, you will need the total head count before the day of travel. This includes players, coaches, spectators over 12, and spectators 5-12 (under 5 is free). Their coordinator will provide a voucher, you will print it out, and include the head count in the voucher to pick up at the ferry terminal counter on the day of travel.
* Everyone needs to get there early as you will be given 1 ticket for players and coaches and another ticket for spectators, so you all need to be there together to board the ferry.
Both teams will provide transportation from the ferry to the rink and back to the terminal after the game.
Please contact me at least 2 weeks before travel to give us time to setup the tickets/vouchers.
Margaret Blanchard
Travel Coordinator